New World

Projects for a New World

Front Page

Forum Projects
The Green Bus
New Just Economy
Volunteer Matchup
World Feedback
Travelers Network

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About Us

Join me in helping create a new world! I'm collecting interest and collaborators on five projects at the World Social Forum, in Belém.

Green Bus

The Green Bus / O Ônibus Verde

Travel sustainable while helping the poor!
We're going to modify a bus to run on used vegetable oil, and travel South America. Half of the bus will be for us-- the other half will have resources for poor towns we visit, including internet access and medical care. read more »

New Just Economy

New Just Economy / Novo Justo Economia

Help make a new economy where anything is possible, online!
This goal is to build a collaboration website on a massive scale! Let's make a new economy, where new ideas and passionate work are pervasive, and every project is part of more just and sustainable world. read more »

Volunteer Matchup

Volunteer Matchup

Help volunteers find organizations and hosts wherever they're needed!
Help volunteers find places to live and work around the world. The Volunteer Matchup will combine volunteers, families with extra space, and charitable organizations everywhere, so each can find matches that work. read more »

World Feedback

World Feedback

Make it easy to live well, by informing the purchases we make!
Contribute to a system to where people can plug in their bank statement and get a report of the consequences of their purchases. Plus, a smart donation system will calculate where and how much to ameliorate any bad effects. read more »

Travelers Network

The Travelers Network

Meet friends, share information, and blog your travels!

The Travelers Network is a social networking website for travelers, and more! It's a way to meet and keep new friends, and find out from the traveling community the best places to go and things to do, all in one place. read more »

To sign up or contact us, go to the Contact page.