World Feedback

World Feedback

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Closing the Memory Hole

What are your purchases really supporting?

One of the problems with the economy is the way that it's easy to unintentionally support economic injustice and damage the environment. If we can make it easy for people to find out what happened, they'll be able to make better choices. If we make it wasy to donate to organizations that fight the exact problems that were caused, people will donate and we can reverse the tide. By empowering people with better information and options, we can change the rules of our economic system.

The site is simple. You can import your online bank statement, and get an automatic report of what unintended consequences your purchases have caused. Plus, a smart charity system will calculate where and how much you can donate to ameliorate the consequences.

We can use any volunteers who have some time to give, starting immediately.

Volunteers research unknown entries (both of businesses and their products), to collaboratively produce summary reports, alerts, and numerical estimates used by the system to suggest actions to users.

Let's make it easy to live right!

To sign up or contact us, go to the Contact page.